Editions Le Petit Canard is a children's publishing house recently created by a Ukrainian who found refuge with her family in a fabulous city in the south of France while she was going through the most difficult period of her life.

Her own children having been in real danger, she developed the idea that books were bulwarks to preserve their carefreeness. Thus “We protected the lives of our children and books saved their childhood” became a conviction that she wishes to spread in the more peaceful bosom of French society.

A publisher in her country of origin, she decided to continue her activity in her adopted country in order to share her love of books and this feeling that we must preserve and develop children's capacity for happiness. All this while integrating this indefinable charm of French culture.

The publishing house Le Petit Canard aims to offer works that are like cozy and protective bubbles for their young readers. Its editorial line is therefore in the field of “well-being” where joy, gentleness and serenity combine through colorful and funny books, filled with the southern sun and the mysterious magic of Carcassonne.

The Little Duck: a great pleasure for little readers.